Illumination Academy™ brings you ancient teachings for modern-day success. Our online trainings help you create the mindset to get your life and business set. Flagship trainings include The Prosperity Code™ Coaching Method and The Ashram Alchemists™.
Our focus is guiding you on the ultimate path of self-mastery—so that you can live FREE from limiting beliefs and negative self-talk and RISE into mastering yourself and life.
The 'Vision Board That Really Works' gives you a Vision Board that every single day clarifies what you want in...
Unlock your Spiritual Power for Infinite Success. This is an advanced group of entrepreneurs and career...
Unlock the Prosperity Code: An Exclusive Workshop to Elevate Your Success, Amplify Your Abundance...
This training has EVERYTHING you need to be on your Highest Path- a TRUE Spiritual Journey that is about...
the most significant and truthful training on meditation. In this training you will go through short teaching videos and...
Even if the Law of Attraction has never worked for you or you've never tried to manifest before.
Elevate your mood and attract more ABUNDANCE in 5-minutes (or less) per day with Kisma...
During this audio series you'll... Receive clarity on HOW to access calm from within so that the external wo...
8 Audio Trainings to Unleash your HIDDEN POWER WITHIN, so that you can have the confidence and certainty...
I Want to Help You Finally Clear Limiting Beliefs, Money blocks and that 'Not Enough-ness' Feeling...
This training holds the secret teachings to help YOU discover the greatest teachings of the Universal and...
Download Your Free Universal Laws Cheat Sheet Now. This guide to the...
50% Complete
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